728x90 부업23 번역 아르바이트 (part-time translation job) English and Korean ver. A part-time translation job is either a side job or a telecommuting option that generates revenue by performing translation tasks. Part-time translation refers to the process of translating text, documents, websites, apps, and video subtitles between different languages. Translation part-time jobs can generate revenue by leveraging language skills and providing content translated into other lang.. 2023. 10. 31. 데이터 라벨링 (Data labeling) English and Korean ver. "Data labeling" refers to the process of labeling data with information needed to analyze it and train machine learning models. This work plays an important role in computer vision, natural language processing, speech recognition, and other machine learning and artificial intelligence. Data labeling is primarily applied to different types of data, including images, text, and voice. If data label.. 2023. 10. 30. V 컬러링 제작 (Production of V Coloring) English and Korean ver. What is "V Coloring"? "V Coloring" is a service that shows your set-up video to the other party. It can be used during voice calls or video calls and provides the ability to share and display some kind of chat screen background or image while on the phone. This can make the conversation more interesting and the communication with the other person more dynamic. A variety of coloring services are .. 2023. 10. 27. 블로그 작성 (Blogging) English and Korean ver. Blogging has many advantages and disadvantages. Advantages: Flexible Schedule: Blogging is primarily autonomous and you can freely adjust your schedule. This makes it easier to harmonize with your day job or study. Expressing Creativity: Blogging is a great way to express creativity and share knowledge of your interests or areas of expertise. Improve expertise: Writing blog documents can improve.. 2023. 10. 26. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 다음 728x90